cool2Talk – Information Session – An Update and Current Themes

  • Date: 24/09/2024
  • Time: 16:00-17:00
  • Address:
  • City:

Facilitated by: cool2Talk

Method of delivery: Online, via Microsoft Teams

Course Assessment: None but feedback will be requested via Mentimeter at the end of the session

Target Group: Anyone who is working with young people (teachers, youth workers, third sector organisations, volunteers)

Pre-session Tasks: Participants will be requested to spend some time having a look at some of the questions and think about their own experience with young people

Aims: To provide an update around the Cool2Talk service as well as an overview of current themes impacting on young people as highlighted on the site

Learning Outcomes:

On completing the training participants will –

  • Be knowledgeable about Cool2Talk and the service it provides
  • Be able to actively promote the site to young people
  • Be more aware of current themes impacting on young people

To register for this event, please click here